Code explanation

This markdown shows all output for the project on Cognitive Strategies in Older/Autistic Adults. Code is written by CT. Authors are CT, APG, EvdB, RC, CH, HMG.


Required packages are loaded, workspace is defined, data is loaded and transformed into a final format. For more information on the loaded data check separate Qual/VPT/JND Rcodes.

### some basic settings
# Check packages installed:
required_packages <- c("rstudioapi","plyr", "dplyr", "stringr", 
                       "readr", "gridExtra", "moments", "readxl",
                       "tidyr", "ggplot2","ggpubr","extrafont",
                       "kableExtra", "broom", "knitr","broom.mixed",
                       "haven", "lubridate", "magrittr", "rstatix",
                       "ggbeeswarm", "ggstatsplot", "stats", "effsize",
                       "lmboot", "BayesFactor")
need_install <- required_packages[!(required_packages) %in% installed.packages()]

# Install packages that were not:
if(length(need_install)> 0) {

# Load packages
invisible(lapply(required_packages, require, character.only=TRUE))

# Set working directory and font
dir_qual <- dirname(rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path)

### Load data
VPT_df <- read.csv2("Data/VPT_aggregated_wide.csv")
JND_df <- read.csv2("Data/JND_aggregated_wide.csv")
Qual_df <- read.csv2("Data/Qualtrics_merged_coderesponses.csv")

colnames(VPT_df)[10:length(VPT_df)] <- paste0("VPT_", colnames(VPT_df[10:length(VPT_df)]))
colnames(JND_df)[2:length(JND_df)] <- paste0("JND_", colnames(JND_df[2:length(JND_df)]))

### Merge data
Total_df <- merge(Qual_df, VPT_df, by="ppn", all.x=TRUE)
Total_df <- merge(Total_df, JND_df, by="ppn", all.x=TRUE) 
Total_df <- Total_df %>% mutate_all(na_if,"") ## replace empty cells by NA

### Select relevant data

Total_df <- Total_df %>% select(ppn, Exclusion, Gender_bio, Gender_id, Age_test, Age_cat, Education, Autism,
                                Autism_year_1_1, ADHD, Psych, Psych_past, Neuro, Alcohol, Drugs, Meds, Sleep_qual_1,
                                Sleep_quant, AQ_10_sum, MMQCon_sum, MMQAb_sum, MMQStrat_sum, Strategy_VPT, Coded_specific,  
                                Coded_aggregated,Coded_summary, Strategy_JND,Concentration_VPT, Effort_VPT, Performance_VPT, Concentration_JND, 
                                Effort_JND, Performance_JND, VPT_span_traditional_high, VPT_span_traditional_low,
                                VPT_span_traditional_mean_high, VPT_span_traditional_mean_low,
                                VPT_mrt_wo_high, VPT_mrt_wo_low,VPT_mrt_cor_wo_high,VPT_mrt_cor_wo_low, VPT_acc_wo_high, 
                                VPT_acc_wo_low, VPT_n_outlier_high, VPT_n_outlier_low, VPT_n_FaR_high, VPT_n_FaR_low,
                                JND_mrt_wo_full, JND_acc_wo_full, JND_mrt_cor_wo_full,JND_score_wo_full,
                                JND_mrt_wo_final, JND_acc_wo_final,JND_mrt_cor_wo_final, JND_score_wo_final,
                                JND_n_outlier_full, JND_n_FaR_full, JND_n_min_full, JND_n_max_full)

# Add concatenated group variable

Total_df$Groups <- paste0(Total_df$Autism, "_", Total_df$Age_cat)
Total_df$Groups <- factor(Total_df$Groups, levels=c("autism_younger", "autism_older", "no-autism_younger", "no-autism_older"))
levels(Total_df$Groups) <- list(aut_yng = "autism_younger" , aut_old = "autism_older",
                                naut_yng = "no-autism_younger", naut_old = "no-autism_older")

Total_df$Age_cat <- factor(Total_df$Age_cat, levels=c("younger", "older"))
levels(Total_df$Age_cat) <- list(yng = "younger" , old = "older")

Total_df$Autism <- factor(Total_df$Autism, levels=c("autism", "no-autism"))
levels(Total_df$Autism) <- list(aut = "autism", naut= "no-autism")

Total_df$Gender_bio <- factor(Total_df$Gender_bio, levels = c("man", "woman", "other"))
Total_df$Edu_cat <- ifelse(Total_df$Education < 5, "low",
                           ifelse(Total_df$Education < 7, "middle", "high"))
Total_df$Edu_cat <- factor(Total_df$Edu_cat, levels = c("low", "middle", "high"))

Exclude participants

#general exclude

Total_df <- Total_df %>% filter(Exclusion == 0) #N exclusion = 4 (all based on autism family)

#VPT exclude
VPT_long_df <- Total_df %>% pivot_longer(c(VPT_span_traditional_high:VPT_n_FaR_low), 
                                         names_to = c(".value","type"),
                                         names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)")

VPT_exclusion_df <- VPT_long_df %>% select(ppn, Exclusion, Age_cat, Autism, type, VPT_mrt_wo)

VPT_avg <- VPT_exclusion_df %>% 
  group_by(type, Age_cat, Autism) %>%
  summarise(mean_mrt = mean(VPT_mrt_wo, na.rm=TRUE),
            sd_mrt = sd(VPT_mrt_wo, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%

VPT_exclusion_df <- merge(VPT_exclusion_df, VPT_avg, by=c("type", "Age_cat", "Autism"))
VPT_exclusion_df$Exclusion_VPT <- ifelse(VPT_exclusion_df$VPT_mrt_wo > (VPT_exclusion_df$mean_mrt+(3*VPT_exclusion_df$sd_mrt)), 1,
                                         ifelse(VPT_exclusion_df$VPT_mrt_wo < (VPT_exclusion_df$mean_mrt-(3*VPT_exclusion_df$sd_mrt)),1,0))
VPT_exclusion_df <- pivot_wider(VPT_exclusion_df, names_from = type, names_sep= "_", values_from = c(VPT_mrt_wo:Exclusion_VPT))
VPT_exclusion_df$Exclusion_VPT <- ifelse(VPT_exclusion_df$Exclusion_VPT_high == 1 | VPT_exclusion_df$Exclusion_VPT_low == 1, 1, 0) 
VPT_exclusion_df <- select(VPT_exclusion_df, c(ppn, Exclusion_VPT))
Total_df <- merge(Total_df, VPT_exclusion_df, by = "ppn") #add to total_df
Total_df$Exclusion_VPT <- ifelse($Exclusion_VPT), -9, Total_df$Exclusion_VPT) #set NA to -9, because then no VPT data was present
VPT_long_df <- merge(VPT_long_df, VPT_exclusion_df, by = "ppn") 
VPT_long_df$Exclusion_VPT <- ifelse($Exclusion_VPT), -9, VPT_long_df$Exclusion_VPT) # here too.

#JND exclude
JND_long_df <- Total_df %>% pivot_longer(c(JND_mrt_wo_full:JND_score_wo_final),
                                         names_to = c(".value", "dataset"),
                                         names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)")

JND_exclusion_df <- JND_long_df %>% select(ppn, Exclusion, Age_cat, Autism, dataset, JND_mrt_wo)

JND_avg <- JND_exclusion_df %>% 
  group_by(dataset, Age_cat, Autism) %>%
  summarise(mean_mrt = mean(JND_mrt_wo, na.rm=TRUE),
            sd_mrt = sd(JND_mrt_wo, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%

JND_exclusion_df <- merge(JND_exclusion_df, JND_avg, by=c("dataset", "Age_cat", "Autism"))
JND_exclusion_df$Exclusion_JND <- ifelse(JND_exclusion_df$JND_mrt_wo > (JND_exclusion_df$mean_mrt+(3*JND_exclusion_df$sd_mrt)), 1,
                                         ifelse(JND_exclusion_df$JND_mrt_wo < (JND_exclusion_df$mean_mrt-(3*JND_exclusion_df$sd_mrt)),1,0))

JND_exclusion_df <- pivot_wider(JND_exclusion_df, names_from = dataset, names_sep= "_", values_from = c(JND_mrt_wo:Exclusion_JND))
## even the outlier responder (N=1) is really fast (<2 sec) with no indication of taking brakes, so are not removed.
JND_exclusion_df$Exclusion_JND <- ifelse(JND_exclusion_df$Exclusion_JND_full, 0, 0) ## no one is excluded.
JND_exclusion_df <- select(JND_exclusion_df, c(ppn, Exclusion_JND))
Total_df <- merge(Total_df, JND_exclusion_df, by = "ppn") #add to total_df
Total_df$Exclusion_JND <- ifelse($Exclusion_JND), -9, Total_df$Exclusion_JND)
JND_long_df <- merge(JND_long_df, JND_exclusion_df, by = "ppn")
JND_long_df$Exclusion_JND <- ifelse($Exclusion_JND), -9, JND_long_df$Exclusion_JND)

write_csv2(Total_df, "Datasets_merged.csv") # save total dataset with excluded ppns indicated.

Descriptives (Aut/nAut)

We create basic information tables for N and means/sds for all relevant variables.

get_N = function(data, var, title){
  Ns <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(var)){
  var1 = sym(var[i])
  groups = c("Autism", "Age_cat", var[i])
  N_df <- data %>% #getting some info on categorical data
  group_by(.dots = groups) %>% 
  summarise(N = n()) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = c("Age_cat", "Autism"), values_from = N)
  colnames(N_df)[1] <- "category"

  Chidf <- data %>%
           group_by(Age_cat) %>%
           summarise(Chi = chisq.test(Autism, !!var1)$statistic,
                     p = chisq.test(Autism, !!var1)$p.value) %>%
           mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 3)  %>%
           pivot_wider(names_from = "Age_cat", values_from = c(Chi, p))
  Var <- var[i]
  N_df <- cbind(N_df, Chidf)
  N_df <- cbind(Var, N_df)
  Ns[[i]] <- N_df
  finalNs <-,Ns)
return(kbl(finalNs, caption=paste0(title), digits = 3,booktabs = TRUE) %>%  
       kable_classic(full_width = F, font_size = 11) %>%
       kable_styling(latex_options = "HOLD_position"))

nvars <- c("Gender_bio","Edu_cat", "ADHD", "Psych", "Psych_past", "Neuro", "Drugs", "Alcohol")
get_N(Total_df, nvars, title="N demographs")
N demographs
Var category yng_aut old_aut yng_naut old_naut Chi_yng Chi_old p_yng p_old
Gender_bio man 9 31 11 21 0.127 1.790 0.721 0.409
Gender_bio woman 23 15 20 16 0.127 1.790 0.721 0.409
Gender_bio other 1 0.127 1.790 0.721 0.409
Edu_cat middle 22 30 15 19 3.309 1.635 0.191 0.441
Edu_cat high 10 14 15 16 3.309 1.635 0.191 0.441
Edu_cat low 3 1 2 3.309 1.635 0.191 0.441
ADHD ADHD 4 12 4 0.000 9.035 1.000 0.003
ADHD no-ADHD 28 35 27 37 0.000 9.035 1.000 0.003
Psych no 26 39 27 37 0.084 5.126 0.772 0.024
Psych yes 6 8 4 0.084 5.126 0.772 0.024
Psych_past no 17 34 28 34 8.931 3.943 0.003 0.047
Psych_past yes 15 13 3 3 8.931 3.943 0.003 0.047
Neuro no 28 42 31 34 2.303 0.000 0.129 0.986
Neuro yes 4 5 3 2.303 0.000 0.129 0.986
Drugs no 31 47 31 36 0.000 0.015 1.000 0.904
Drugs yes 1 1 0.000 0.015 1.000 0.904
Alcohol no 31 34 24 25 3.765 0.055 0.052 0.814
Alcohol yes 1 13 7 12 3.765 0.055 0.052 0.814
nvarsVPT <- c("Gender_bio","Edu_cat", "ADHD", "Psych", "Psych_past", "Neuro", "Alcohol")
get_N(subset(Total_df, Exclusion_VPT == 0), nvarsVPT, title= "N demographics VPT sample")
N demographics VPT sample
Var category yng_aut old_aut yng_naut old_naut Chi_yng Chi_old p_yng p_old
Gender_bio man 6 26 10 20 0.517 1.602 0.472 0.449
Gender_bio woman 21 12 19 14 0.517 1.602 0.472 0.449
Gender_bio other 1 0.517 1.602 0.472 0.449
Edu_cat middle 18 25 13 16 3.239 2.772 0.198 0.250
Edu_cat high 9 11 15 16 3.239 2.772 0.198 0.250
Edu_cat low 3 1 2 3.239 2.772 0.198 0.250
ADHD ADHD 3 12 4 0.000 10.380 1.000 0.001
ADHD no-ADHD 24 27 25 34 0.000 10.380 1.000 0.001
Psych no 22 34 25 34 0.014 2.886 0.907 0.089
Psych yes 5 5 4 0.014 2.886 0.907 0.089
Psych_past no 14 29 26 31 8.026 2.455 0.005 0.117
Psych_past yes 13 10 3 3 8.026 2.455 0.005 0.117
Neuro no 23 35 29 31 2.663 0.000 0.103 1.000
Neuro yes 4 4 3 2.663 0.000 0.103 1.000
Alcohol no 26 27 22 23 3.245 0.000 0.072 1.000
Alcohol yes 1 12 7 11 3.245 0.000 0.072 1.000
get_N(subset(Total_df, Exclusion_JND == 0), c("Gender_bio"), title= "N (sex) JND sample")
N (sex) JND sample
Var category yng_aut old_aut yng_naut old_naut Chi_yng Chi_old p_yng p_old
Gender_bio man 5 25 10 20 0.935 2.167 0.334 0.338
Gender_bio woman 22 10 20 14 0.935 2.167 0.334 0.338
Gender_bio other 1 0.935 2.167 0.334 0.338
get_chi_agg <- function(data, var, title){
  Chi <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(var)){
  var1 = sym(var[i])
  Chidf <- data %>%
           summarise(Chi_autism = chisq.test(Autism,!!var1)$statistic,
                     p_autism = chisq.test(Autism,!!var1)$p.value,
                     Chi_age = chisq.test(Age_cat,!!var1)$statistic,
                     p_age = chisq.test(Age_cat,!!var1)$p.value) %>%
           mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 3) %>%
           pivot_longer(everything(),names_to = c("statistic", "predictor"), names_pattern = "(.*)_(.*)")
  Chidf$outcome <- var[i]
  Chi[[i]] <- Chidf
  finalchi <-, Chi)
  return(kbl(finalchi, caption=paste0(title), digits = 3,booktabs = TRUE) %>%  
       kable_classic(full_width = F, font_size = 11) %>%
       kable_styling(latex_options = "HOLD_position"))

get_chi_agg(Total_df, nvars, title="main effects demographics")
main effects demographics
statistic predictor value outcome
Chi autism 1.126 Gender_bio
p autism 0.569 Gender_bio
Chi age 14.463 Gender_bio
p age 0.001 Gender_bio
Chi autism 3.857 Edu_cat
p autism 0.145 Edu_cat
Chi age 1.833 Edu_cat
p age 0.400 Edu_cat
Chi autism 5.256 ADHD
p autism 0.022 ADHD
Chi age 0.001 ADHD
p age 0.972 ADHD
Chi autism 3.729 Psych
p autism 0.053 Psych
Chi age 0.824 Psych
p age 0.364 Psych
Chi autism 13.106 Psych_past
p autism 0.000 Psych_past
Chi age 1.340 Psych_past
p age 0.247 Psych_past
Chi autism 1.535 Neuro
p autism 0.215 Neuro
Chi age 0.153 Neuro
p age 0.696 Neuro
Chi autism 0.000 Drugs
p autism 1.000 Drugs
Chi age 0.000 Drugs
p age 1.000 Drugs
Chi autism 1.645 Alcohol
p autism 0.200 Alcohol
Chi age 5.081 Alcohol
p age 0.024 Alcohol
get_chi_agg(subset(Total_df, Exclusion_VPT == 0), nvarsVPT, title= "main effects demographics VPT sample")
main effects demographics VPT sample
statistic predictor value outcome
Chi autism 0.995 Gender_bio
p autism 0.608 Gender_bio
Chi age 16.533 Gender_bio
p age 0.000 Gender_bio
Chi autism 5.028 Edu_cat
p autism 0.081 Edu_cat
Chi age 2.027 Edu_cat
p age 0.363 Edu_cat
Chi autism 5.642 ADHD
p autism 0.018 ADHD
Chi age 0.141 ADHD
p age 0.708 ADHD
Chi autism 1.752 Psych
p autism 0.186 Psych
Chi age 1.914 Psych
p age 0.167 Psych
Chi autism 10.453 Psych_past
p autism 0.001 Psych_past
Chi age 1.534 Psych_past
p age 0.215 Psych_past
Chi autism 1.394 Neuro
p autism 0.238 Neuro
Chi age 0.031 Neuro
p age 0.861 Neuro
Chi autism 0.947 Alcohol
p autism 0.331 Alcohol
Chi age 4.248 Alcohol
p age 0.039 Alcohol
Descriptives <- c("Age_test", "AQ_10_sum", "Sleep_qual_1", "Sleep_quant")
Describe_long <- Total_df %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = all_of(Descriptives), names_to ="var", values_to = "value") 

get_ss_df = function (data,title) {
  ss_df <- data %>%
    group_by(var, Age_cat, Autism)%>%
    summarise(mean = round(mean(value, na.rm=TRUE),2),
              sd = round(sd(value, na.rm=TRUE),2),
              min = round(min(value, na.rm=TRUE),2), 
              max = round(max(value, na.rm=TRUE),2),
              final = paste0(mean, ",", sd, "(", min, "-", max, ")")) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = c(Autism, Age_cat), values_from = c(mean, sd, min,max, final))
  ss_df <- ss_df[,c(1,(length(ss_df)-3):length(ss_df))]
  tval <- data %>%
    group_by(var, Age_cat) %>%
    summarise(tval = t.test(value[Autism=="aut"], value[Autism=="naut"])$statistic,
              pval = t.test(value[Autism=="aut"], value[Autism=="naut"])$p.value,
              n1 = sum(Autism=="aut"),
              n2 = sum(Autism=="naut"),
              dval = cohen.d(value[Autism=="aut"], value[Autism=="naut"], na.rm=TRUE)$estimate,
              BF = exp(ttest.tstat(t = tval, n1 = n1, n2=n2, rscale = 0.707)$bf)) %>%
    select(!c(n1,n2)) %>%
    mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 3) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = Age_cat,values_from = c(tval, pval, dval, BF))
  ss_df <- merge(ss_df, tval, by = "var")
  ss_df <- ss_df %>% relocate(c(tval_yng, pval_yng, dval_yng, BF_yng), .after=`final_naut_yng`)
  names(ss_df) <- sub('final_', '', names(ss_df))
  return(kbl(ss_df, caption = paste0(title), digits = 3, booktabs = TRUE, row.names=FALSE) 
         %>% kable_classic(full_width = F, font_size = 13) %>%
           kable_styling(latex_options = "HOLD_position"))

get_ss_df(Describe_long, "Descriptives per group") 
Descriptives per group
var aut_yng naut_yng tval_yng pval_yng dval_yng BF_yng aut_old naut_old tval_old pval_old dval_old BF_old
Age_test 36.63,3.69(24.25-40.82) 32.45,4.57(25.06-40.6) 3.987 0.000 1.008 1.325810e+02 71.83,4.67(65.19-82.23) 73.69,5.07(65.13-87.75) -1.736 0.087 -0.385 8.430000e-01
AQ_10_sum 6.84,1.95(1-9) 2.52,1.79(0-6) 9.182 0.000 2.311 1.231554e+10 7,1.98(2-10) 2.32,1.62(0-6) 11.850 0.000 2.560 1.694087e+16
Sleep_qual_1 5.22,2.6(0-10) 6.32,1.89(3-10) -1.933 0.058 -0.485 1.221000e+00 6.61,2.14(0-10) 7.03,1.62(3-10) -1.011 0.315 -0.217 3.570000e-01
Sleep_quant 7.03,2.19(1-10) 6.84,1.04(5-9) 0.448 0.656 0.112 2.800000e-01 7.07,1.68(2-10) 7.11,1.02(5-10) -0.137 0.891 -0.029 2.310000e-01
get_ss_df(subset(Describe_long, Exclusion_VPT==0), "Descriptives per group VPT sample") 
Descriptives per group VPT sample
var aut_yng naut_yng tval_yng pval_yng dval_yng BF_yng aut_old naut_old tval_old pval_old dval_old BF_old
Age_test 36.99,3.06(28.87-40.82) 32.66,4.59(25.06-40.6) 4.175 0.000 1.101 2.048990e+02 71.72,4.77(65.19-82.23) 73.96,5.12(65.13-87.75) -1.924 0.059 -0.454 1.1660e+00
AQ_10_sum 6.74,1.99(1-9) 2.48,1.82(0-6) 8.322 0.000 2.233 2.087548e+08 7.26,1.95(2-10) 2.24,1.63(0-6) 11.881 0.000 2.777 2.1491e+15
Sleep_qual_1 5.07,2.56(0-8) 6.34,1.88(3-10) -2.108 0.040 -0.570 1.659000e+00 6.39,2.3(0-10) 7.24,1.5(3-10) -1.857 0.068 -0.429 1.0500e+00
Sleep_quant 7.15,2.13(1-10) 6.86,0.99(5-9) 0.638 0.527 0.175 3.200000e-01 6.89,1.74(2-10) 7.18,1(5-10) -0.854 0.396 -0.196 3.3100e-01
### anova function
get_anova_df <- function(Data, Variables, Title){
  AOV_sum_list <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(Variables)){
    Describe_temp <- Data[Data['var']==Variables[i],]
    AOV_descr <- aov(value ~ Age_cat*Autism, data=Describe_temp)
    AOV_sum <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 3))
    rownames(AOV_sum) <- c("Age_cat", "Autism", "Age_cat*Autism")
    AOV_sum$Fval <- summary(AOV_descr)[[1]][["F value"]][1:3]
    AOV_sum$Pval <- summary(AOV_descr)[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][1:3]
    AOV_sum$Eta <- (summary(AOV_descr)[[1]][["Sum Sq"]]/sum(summary(AOV_descr)[[1]][["Sum Sq"]]))[1:3]
    AOV_sum <- round(AOV_sum,3)
    Predictors <- rownames(AOV_sum)
    AOV_sum <- cbind(Predictors, AOV_sum)

    Outcome <- Variables[i] #AOV_sum <- AOV_sum %>% pivot_wider(names_from ="Predictors", values_from = c(Fval, Pval, Eta))
    AOV_sum <- cbind(Outcome, AOV_sum)
    AOV_sum_list[[i]] <- AOV_sum
  Anovas <-, AOV_sum_list)
  return(kbl(Anovas, caption = paste0(Title), digits = 3, booktabs = TRUE, row.names=FALSE)  %>% kable_classic(full_width = F, font_size = 13) %>%
           kable_styling(latex_options = "HOLD_position"))

get_anova_df(Describe_long, Descriptives, "Anova Descriptives")
Anova Descriptives
Outcome Predictors Fval Pval Eta
Age_test Age_cat 2507.117 0.000 0.940
Age_test Autism 0.973 0.326 0.000
Age_test Age_cat*Autism 15.721 0.000 0.006
AQ_10_sum Age_cat 0.426 0.515 0.001
AQ_10_sum Autism 217.698 0.000 0.604
AQ_10_sum Age_cat*Autism 0.317 0.575 0.001
Sleep_qual_1 Age_cat 8.784 0.004 0.056
Sleep_qual_1 Autism 4.270 0.041 0.027
Sleep_qual_1 Age_cat*Autism 0.961 0.328 0.006
Sleep_quant Age_cat 0.324 0.570 0.002
Sleep_quant Autism 0.055 0.816 0.000
Sleep_quant Age_cat*Autism 0.199 0.656 0.001
get_anova_df(subset(Describe_long, Exclusion_VPT ==0), Descriptives, "Anova Descriptives VPT sample")
Anova Descriptives VPT sample
Outcome Predictors Fval Pval Eta
Age_test Age_cat 2236.429 0.000 0.940
Age_test Autism 0.594 0.442 0.000
Age_test Age_cat*Autism 16.601 0.000 0.007
AQ_10_sum Age_cat 1.144 0.287 0.003
AQ_10_sum Autism 204.517 0.000 0.618
AQ_10_sum Age_cat*Autism 1.356 0.246 0.004
Sleep_qual_1 Age_cat 8.156 0.005 0.058
Sleep_qual_1 Autism 7.797 0.006 0.056
Sleep_qual_1 Age_cat*Autism 0.335 0.564 0.002
Sleep_quant Age_cat 0.010 0.919 0.000
Sleep_quant Autism 0.015 0.903 0.000
Sleep_quant Age_cat*Autism 1.086 0.299 0.009


Descriptives and analyses for MMQ are provided below. Including figures.

### some figures and prelim analyses MMQ
MMQVars <- c("MMQCon_sum", "MMQAb_sum", "MMQStrat_sum")
MMQ_long <- Total_df %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = all_of(MMQVars), names_to ="var", values_to = "value") 

get_ss_df(MMQ_long, "MMQ per group")
MMQ per group
var aut_yng naut_yng tval_yng pval_yng dval_yng BF_yng aut_old naut_old tval_old pval_old dval_old BF_old
MMQAb_sum 55.22,12.67(30-78) 64.1,8.14(37-74) -3.320 0.002 -0.831 21.685 56.3,13(12-73) 63.49,7.57(43-76) -3.142 0.002 -0.657 14.720
MMQCon_sum 48.19,13.16(23-69) 55.65,9.31(34-71) -2.603 0.012 -0.653 4.162 44.04,15.02(9-72) 52.73,9.54(32-72) -3.202 0.002 -0.675 17.190
MMQStrat_sum 27.47,12.37(6-66) 24.58,9.66(7-45) 1.034 0.305 0.260 0.404 24.04,10.39(6-47) 19.41,7.14(7-34) 2.404 0.019 0.510 2.721
get_anova_df(MMQ_long, MMQVars, "Anova MMQ")
Anova MMQ
Outcome Predictors Fval Pval Eta
MMQCon_sum Age_cat 3.694 0.057 0.023
MMQCon_sum Autism 15.996 0.000 0.099
MMQCon_sum Age_cat*Autism 0.089 0.766 0.001
MMQAb_sum Age_cat 0.002 0.964 0.000
MMQAb_sum Autism 19.402 0.000 0.120
MMQAb_sum Age_cat*Autism 0.219 0.641 0.001
MMQStrat_sum Age_cat 5.923 0.016 0.039
MMQStrat_sum Autism 5.439 0.021 0.035
MMQStrat_sum Age_cat*Autism 0.272 0.603 0.002
# and for only those with VPT data:
get_ss_df(subset(MMQ_long, Exclusion_VPT==0), "MMQ VPT sample per group")
MMQ VPT sample per group
var aut_yng naut_yng tval_yng pval_yng dval_yng BF_yng aut_old naut_old tval_old pval_old dval_old BF_old
MMQAb_sum 57.19,11.33(35-78) 65.1,6.6(51-74) -3.166 0.003 -0.862 14.332 55.89,13.38(12-73) 63.68,7.53(43-76) -3.081 0.003 -0.706 12.401
MMQCon_sum 50.48,12.35(23-69) 56.34,9.2(34-71) -2.004 0.051 -0.541 1.397 43,14.82(9-72) 52.62,9.54(32-72) -3.308 0.002 -0.763 21.993
MMQStrat_sum 25,9.98(6-47) 24.48,9.93(7-45) 0.194 0.847 0.052 0.274 25.05,10.72(6-47) 19.24,6.92(7-34) 2.762 0.007 0.637 5.873
get_anova_df(subset(MMQ_long, Exclusion_VPT==0), MMQVars, "Anova MMQ VPT sample")
Anova MMQ VPT sample
Outcome Predictors Fval Pval Eta
MMQCon_sum Age_cat 7.992 0.005 0.054
MMQCon_sum Autism 14.419 0.000 0.098
MMQCon_sum Age_cat*Autism 0.787 0.377 0.005
MMQAb_sum Age_cat 0.882 0.350 0.006
MMQAb_sum Autism 18.651 0.000 0.130
MMQAb_sum Age_cat*Autism 0.001 0.970 0.000
MMQStrat_sum Age_cat 2.056 0.154 0.015
MMQStrat_sum Autism 4.325 0.040 0.033
MMQStrat_sum Age_cat*Autism 2.446 0.120 0.018
plotting <- function(data, y,lims,ylab,title){
  plotting <- ggplot(data, aes(x=Groups, y=y))+
    stat_boxplot(geom = "errorbar", width = 0.05) + 
    geom_boxplot(size=.75, width=.3, outlier.alpha = 0)+
    geom_beeswarm(cex = 1.2, size=1,alpha=.6, aes(color=Groups))+
    stat_summary(fun=mean, aes(group=1), size=2, geom="point", color="darkgrey", alpha=.7) +
    scale_color_manual(name="Groups",values = c("#059D05", "#07D607", 
                                                "#9933FF", "#BF80FF"))+
    theme_classic(base_size = 7)+
    coord_cartesian(ylim = lims)+
    scale_x_discrete(labels =  c("aut_old" = "AutOld",
                                 "aut_yng" = "AutYoung",
                                 "naut_old" = "nAutOld",
                                 "naut_yng" = "nAutYoung"))+
    theme(text=element_text(family="sans", size=12))+
    ggtitle(" ")+
    theme(legend.position = "bottom",legend.justification = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank())
  ggsave(filename=paste0(title), plot = plotting, device = NULL, path = NULL,
         scale = 1, units = c("in"), width=5, height =6, dpi = 600, limitsize = TRUE)

plotting(Total_df, y=Total_df$MMQCon_sum,lims = c(0,72),ylab="MMQ Contentment", title="MMQ_contentment.png")

plotting(Total_df, y=Total_df$MMQAb_sum,lims = c(0,80),ylab="MMQ Ability", title="MMQ_ability.png")

plotting(Total_df, y=Total_df$MMQStrat_sum,lims = c(0,76),ylab="MMQ Strategies", title="MMQ_strategy.png")

# only vpt
plotting(subset(Total_df, Exclusion_VPT ==0), y=subset(Total_df, Exclusion_VPT ==0)$MMQStrat_sum,lims = c(0,76),ylab="MMQ Strategies", title="MMQ_strategy_VPTSample.png")

## VPT

Descriptives and analyses for VPT are provided below. Including figures. New functions are needed due to the extra “within” level for these data. Motivation stats/checks can be done using generic functions.

VPT_long_df <- subset(VPT_long_df, Exclusion_VPT==0)
VPT_vars <- c("VPT_span_traditional", "VPT_span_traditional_mean", "VPT_acc_wo", "VPT_mrt_cor_wo")
VPT_analyses_df <-  VPT_long_df %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = all_of(VPT_vars), names_to ="vars", values_to = "value") 

get_vpt_descriptives <- function(data, title) {
VPT_df <- data %>%
    group_by(vars,type, Age_cat, Autism)%>%
    summarise(mean = round(mean(value, na.rm=TRUE),2),
              sd = round(sd(value, na.rm=TRUE),2),
              min = round(min(value, na.rm=TRUE),2), 
              max = round(max(value, na.rm=TRUE),2),
              final = paste0(mean, ",", sd, "(", min, "-", max, ")")) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = c(mean, sd, min,max, final))
  VPT_df <- VPT_df[,c(1:3,(length(VPT_df)-1):length(VPT_df))]
  Pairs_tot <- VPT_analyses_df %>%
  group_by(vars, Autism, Age_cat) %>%
  summarise(tval = t.test(value[type=="high"], value[type=="low"], paired=TRUE)$statistic,
            pval = t.test(value[type=="high"], value[type=="low"], paired=TRUE)$p.value,
            dval = cohen.d(value[type=="high"], value[type=="low"], na.rm=TRUE, paired=TRUE)$estimate,
            n1 = n()/2,
            BF = exp(ttest.tstat(t = tval, n1 = n1, rscale = 0.707)$bf)) %>%
  select(!n1) %>%
  mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 3)
  VPT_df <- merge(VPT_df, Pairs_tot, by = c("vars","Age_cat", "Autism"))

  names(VPT_df) <- sub('final_', '', names(VPT_df))
return(kbl(VPT_df, caption = paste0(title), digits = 3, booktabs = TRUE, row.names=FALSE)%>% kable_classic(full_width = F, font_size = 13) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = "HOLD_position"))

get_anova_VPT <- function (data){
  AOV_VPT_three = get_anova_table(anova_test(data = data, dv = value, wid = ppn, between = c(Autism, Age_cat), within = type),
  AOV_VPT_three = AOV_VPT_three[AOV_VPT_three$Effect == "Autism:Age_cat:type",]     
  AOV_VPT_btw = get_anova_table(anova_test(data = data, dv = value, between = c(Autism, Age_cat)))
  AOV_VPT_btw = AOV_VPT_btw[AOV_VPT_btw$Effect == "Autism:Age_cat",]  
  AOV_VPT_wth1 = get_anova_table(anova_test(data = data, dv = value, wid = ppn, between = c(Age_cat), within = type),
  AOV_VPT_wth1 = AOV_VPT_wth1[AOV_VPT_wth1$Effect == "Age_cat:type",]
  AOV_VPT_wth2 = get_anova_table(anova_test(data = data, dv = value, wid = ppn, between = c(Autism), within = type),
  AOV_VPT_wth2 = AOV_VPT_wth2[AOV_VPT_wth2$Effect == "Autism:type",]
  AOV_tot = rbind(AOV_VPT_three, AOV_VPT_btw, AOV_VPT_wth1, AOV_VPT_wth2)
  AOV_VPT_Aut = get_anova_table(anova_test(data = data, dv = value, between = Autism))
  AOV_VPT_Aut = AOV_VPT_Aut[AOV_VPT_Aut$Effect == "Autism",] 
  AOV_VPT_Age = get_anova_table(anova_test(data = data, dv = value, between = Age_cat))
  AOV_VPT_Age = AOV_VPT_Age[AOV_VPT_Age$Effect == "Age_cat",] 
  AOV_VPT_type = get_anova_table(anova_test(data = data, dv = value, within = type, wid=ppn))
  AOV_VPT_type = AOV_VPT_type[AOV_VPT_type$Effect == "type",] 
  AOV_tot = rbind(AOV_tot, AOV_VPT_Aut, AOV_VPT_Age, AOV_VPT_type)


get_vpt_descriptives(VPT_analyses_df, "VPT differences high/low per group")
VPT differences high/low per group
vars Age_cat Autism high low tval pval dval BF
VPT_acc_wo old aut 0.74,0.12(0.52-0.95) 0.69,0.11(0.41-0.86) 2.669 0.011 0.471 3.754
VPT_acc_wo old naut 0.73,0.1(0.5-0.91) 0.68,0.09(0.5-0.86) 2.593 0.014 0.493 3.233
VPT_acc_wo yng aut 0.78,0.1(0.57-0.95) 0.72,0.13(0.38-0.91) 2.527 0.018 0.498 2.863
VPT_acc_wo yng naut 0.77,0.09(0.59-0.95) 0.76,0.12(0.5-1) 0.463 0.647 0.116 0.218
VPT_mrt_cor_wo old aut 3326.61,869.02(1776.74-5708.74) 3640.6,934.69(2086.05-6257.5) -3.906 0.000 -0.345 74.444
VPT_mrt_cor_wo old naut 3050.84,780.79(1994.45-5763.42) 3481.81,1195.85(2004.57-8219.81) -3.083 0.004 -0.384 9.247
VPT_mrt_cor_wo yng aut 2938.73,821.3(1875.02-4687.39) 3285.52,1046.41(1805.78-5525.51) -2.714 0.012 -0.352 4.099
VPT_mrt_cor_wo yng naut 2887.9,692.5(1760.21-4712.96) 3243.48,879.94(2181.65-5484.79) -2.870 0.008 -0.437 5.670
VPT_span_traditional old aut 12.44,3.09(6-15) 11.16,3.03(6-15) 2.266 0.029 0.448 1.671
VPT_span_traditional old naut 12.55,2.72(7-15) 10.32,2.74(6-15) 3.384 0.002 0.795 18.553
VPT_span_traditional yng aut 12.96,2.62(7-15) 11.85,2.97(7-15) 1.938 0.064 0.395 1.032
VPT_span_traditional yng naut 13.21,2.38(7-15) 12.45,3.12(7-15) 0.933 0.359 0.274 0.294
VPT_span_traditional_mean old aut 11.41,3.28(5.33-14.67) 9.99,3.1(5.33-14.67) 2.365 0.024 0.512 2.021
VPT_span_traditional_mean old naut 11.3,2.96(5.33-14.67) 9,2.87(5.33-14.67) 3.235 0.003 0.760 13.090
VPT_span_traditional_mean yng aut 11.83,3(5.33-14.67) 10.56,3.19(5.33-14.67) 2.013 0.055 0.410 1.163
VPT_span_traditional_mean yng naut 12.01,2.63(5.67-14.67) 11.39,3.42(5.67-14.67) 0.707 0.486 0.204 0.248
ANOVA_vpt <- VPT_analyses_df %>% group_by(vars) %>% do(data.frame(val=get_anova_VPT(.)))
kbl(ANOVA_vpt, caption = "VPT ANOVAs", digits = 3, booktabs = TRUE, row.names=FALSE )%>% 
kable_classic(full_width = F, font_size = 13) %>% kable_styling(latex_options = "HOLD_position")
vars val.Effect val.DFn val.DFd val.F val.p val.p..05 val.ges
VPT_acc_wo Autism:Age_cat:type 1 125 0.833 0.363 0.002
VPT_acc_wo Autism:Age_cat 1 254 0.859 0.355 0.003
VPT_acc_wo Age_cat:type 1 127 0.500 0.481 0.001
VPT_acc_wo Autism:type 1 127 1.279 0.260 0.003
VPT_acc_wo Autism 1 256 0.056 0.813 0.000
VPT_acc_wo Age_cat 1 256 11.827 0.001
VPT_acc_wo type 1 128 16.043 0.000
VPT_mrt_cor_wo Autism:Age_cat:type 1 125 0.209 0.649 0.000
VPT_mrt_cor_wo Autism:Age_cat 1 254 0.535 0.465 0.002
VPT_mrt_cor_wo Age_cat:type 1 127 0.021 0.884 0.000
VPT_mrt_cor_wo Autism:type 1 127 0.350 0.555 0.000
VPT_mrt_cor_wo Autism 1 256 1.827 0.178 0.007
VPT_mrt_cor_wo Age_cat 1 256 6.371 0.012
VPT_mrt_cor_wo type 1 128 38.652 0.000
VPT_span_traditional Autism:Age_cat:type 1 123 0.759 0.385 0.003
VPT_span_traditional Autism:Age_cat 1 252 1.192 0.276 0.005
VPT_span_traditional Age_cat:type 1 125 1.511 0.221 0.005
VPT_span_traditional Autism:type 1 125 0.147 0.702 0.000
VPT_span_traditional Autism 1 254 0.003 0.960 0.000
VPT_span_traditional Age_cat 1 254 7.354 0.007
VPT_span_traditional type 1 126 17.520 0.000
VPT_span_traditional_mean Autism:Age_cat:type 1 120 0.776 0.380 0.003
VPT_span_traditional_mean Autism:Age_cat 1 249 1.799 0.181 0.007
VPT_span_traditional_mean Age_cat:type 1 122 1.804 0.182 0.006
VPT_span_traditional_mean Autism:type 1 122 0.000 0.989 0.000
VPT_span_traditional_mean Autism 1 251 0.008 0.929 0.000
VPT_span_traditional_mean Age_cat 1 251 6.390 0.012
VPT_span_traditional_mean type 1 123 16.383 0.000
VPT_analyses_df$var <- paste0(VPT_analyses_df$vars, "_", VPT_analyses_df$type)
get_ss_df(VPT_analyses_df, "VPT group differences AUT/NAUT")
VPT group differences AUT/NAUT
var aut_yng naut_yng tval_yng pval_yng dval_yng BF_yng aut_old naut_old tval_old pval_old dval_old BF_old
VPT_acc_wo_high 0.78,0.1(0.57-0.95) 0.77,0.09(0.59-0.95) 0.305 0.762 0.082 0.281 0.74,0.12(0.52-0.95) 0.73,0.1(0.5-0.91) 0.525 0.601 0.122 0.273
VPT_acc_wo_low 0.72,0.13(0.38-0.91) 0.76,0.12(0.5-1) -1.158 0.252 -0.311 0.471 0.69,0.11(0.41-0.86) 0.68,0.09(0.5-0.86) 0.306 0.761 0.071 0.252
VPT_mrt_cor_wo_high 2938.73,821.3(1875.02-4687.39) 2887.9,692.5(1760.21-4712.96) 0.249 0.804 0.067 0.277 3326.61,869.02(1776.74-5708.74) 3050.84,780.79(1994.45-5763.42) 1.428 0.158 0.333 0.579
VPT_mrt_cor_wo_low 3285.52,1046.41(1805.78-5525.51) 3243.48,879.94(2181.65-5484.79) 0.162 0.872 0.044 0.273 3640.6,934.69(2086.05-6257.5) 3481.81,1195.85(2004.57-8219.81) 0.625 0.534 0.149 0.287
VPT_span_traditional_high 12.96,2.62(7-15) 13.21,2.38(7-15) -0.363 0.718 -0.098 0.285 12.44,3.09(6-15) 12.55,2.72(7-15) -0.160 0.873 -0.037 0.245
VPT_span_traditional_low 11.85,2.97(7-15) 12.45,3.12(7-15) -0.732 0.467 -0.196 0.338 11.16,3.03(6-15) 10.32,2.74(6-15) 1.228 0.224 0.288 0.462
VPT_span_traditional_mean_high 11.83,3(5.33-14.67) 12.01,2.63(5.67-14.67) -0.244 0.808 -0.065 0.277 11.41,3.28(5.33-14.67) 11.3,2.96(5.33-14.67) 0.147 0.883 0.035 0.244
VPT_span_traditional_mean_low 10.56,3.19(5.33-14.67) 11.39,3.42(5.67-14.67) -0.945 0.349 -0.252 0.392 9.99,3.1(5.33-14.67) 9,2.87(5.33-14.67) 1.387 0.170 0.331 0.552
# in figures:
GroupNames <- c(
  `aut_old` = "AutOld",
  `aut_yng` = "AutYoung",
  `naut_old` = "nAutOld",
  `naut_yng` = "nAutYoung")

plot_agg <- function(y,lims,ylab,title){
  plot_agg_wo <- ggplot(VPT_long_df, aes(x=type, y=y))+
    stat_boxplot(geom = "errorbar", width = 0.05) + 
    geom_boxplot(size=.75, width=.3, outlier.alpha = 0)+
    geom_beeswarm(cex = 1.2, size=1,alpha=.6, aes(color=type))+
    geom_line(aes(group=ppn),alpha=.7, size=.1, color="grey")+
    stat_summary(fun=mean, aes(group=1), size=1, geom="line", color="darkgrey", alpha=.7) +
    stat_summary(fun=mean, aes(group=1), size=2, geom="point", color="darkgrey", alpha=.7) +
    scale_color_manual(name="type",values = c("#059D05", "#9933FF"), labels=c("high","low"))+
    theme_classic(base_size = 7)+
    facet_wrap(~Groups, labeller=as_labeller(GroupNames))+
    coord_cartesian(ylim = lims)+
    theme(text=element_text(family="sans", size=12))+
    ggtitle(" ")+
    theme(legend.position = "bottom",legend.justification = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank())
  ggsave(filename=paste0(title), plot = plot_agg_wo, device = NULL, path = NULL,
         scale = 1, units = c("in"), width=5, height =6, dpi = 600, limitsize = TRUE)

plot_agg(y=VPT_long_df$VPT_acc_wo,lims = c(0,1),ylab="accuracy", title="VPT_accuracy_pergroup.png")

plot_agg(y=VPT_long_df$VPT_span_traditional,lims = c(4,15),ylab="VPT span traditional", title="VPT_span_traditional_pergroup.png")

plot_agg(y=VPT_long_df$VPT_span_traditional_mean,lims = c(4,15),ylab="VPT mean span traditional", title="VPT_span_traditional_mean_pergroup.png")